The Takeru (T.K.) and Kari (Hikari) Ship
My favorite character pairing in Digimon, they were so cute and fit for each other also they were one of my favorite pairing in the series of Digimon.Some fans called the pairing Takari, Takeru, known as T.K. in the english dub, was one of the seven children who were orginally sucked into the Digital World. He has the crest of hope and his Digimon partner is Patamon. He is the younger brother of Yamato, who was often very protective of him. Hikari, known as Kari Kamiya in the english dub, didn't join the chosen children until later in the first series when Vamdemon went into the human world to look for the eighth child, which turned out to be Hikari. She has the crest of light and her digimon partner is Tailmon. She's the younger sister of Taichi.
In Digimon Adventure 02, T.K. grows a lot during the last years after his first adventure. He is 11 (5th grade) in the original version and 13 (7th grade) in the dub. At the start of April 2002, he and his mother moved to Odaiba, with T.K. attending Odaiba Elementary in the same class as Davis and his good friend Kari. Because he and Kari are already good friends, T.K. immediately becomes the rival (and sometimes friend) of a paranoid Davis. Like Kari, T.K. has a slight advantage compared to the new kids because he has had the most experience with Digimon.
In Digimon Adventure 02, Kari grew a lot during the two 1/2 years between Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02; becoming more mature, perkier and braver. In place of her whistle, she now has a digital camera around her neck. She likes taking pictures, and in the dub, has quite a liking for teasing her friends. BecauseDavis has a crush on her, Kari often teases him by flirting with T.K., mainly in the dub only. In the dub, Davis has strong feelings for Kari, forcing Davis to act childish and confused, while Kari giggles at his mistakes. (In the original version, however, the crush was more toned down.)
Quotes from show:
Season 01:
"Kari, let go! Save yourself!"- TK
"I won't let go of you, TK!"- Kari
"Sounds like you two are falling for each other!"- Piedmon
"You the man, TK!"- Kari
Quotes from show:
Season 01:
"Kari, let go! Save yourself!"- TK
"I won't let go of you, TK!"- Kari
"Sounds like you two are falling for each other!"- Piedmon
"You the man, TK!"- Kari
"I'm scared, TK."- Kari
*thinking* "Great, now Kari's scared. I can't let her see that I am too! *talking* It's okay!"- TK
Season 02:
"Together again!"- TK
"Just like old times!"- Kari
"Hey buddy!"- Davis
"His name is not 'buddy'. It's T.K."- Kari
"All right, T.J. or J.B. or whatever! How do you know Kari?"- Davis
"Huh? How do I know her..? *Laughs* Oh! I see, you're jealous of me!"- TK
"His name is not 'buddy'. It's T.K."- Kari
"All right, T.J. or J.B. or whatever! How do you know Kari?"- Davis
"Huh? How do I know her..? *Laughs* Oh! I see, you're jealous of me!"- TK
"I'm not waiting any longer!" *gets sucked into the computer*- Kari
"I'm with you!"- TK
"You'll defeat the Digimon Emperor, won't you, TK?"- Kari
"Move aside, this is a woman's job!"- Kari
"Too bad we don't have a woman to do it!"- TK
"You'll defeat the Digimon Emperor, won't you, TK?"- Kari
"It's my fault Kari got stuck in the Digital World."- TK
"TK! Gatomon!"- Kari
"There she is!"- TK
"Hey guys! I'm right down here!"- Kari
"So you're just gonna give up? Look Kari, I care for you too much to give you up without a fight!"- TK
*looks at him* "Huh?"- Kari
"Uh....I'll be going now..I'll see you....later?"- TK
"TK, when you said this morning that you really cared for me...what did you mean by that?- TK
"Um, just meant...stuff."- TK
"Well, I just want you to know...I really care for you, too."- Kari
"Um, just meant...stuff."- TK
"Well, I just want you to know...I really care for you, too."- Kari
"We've been through a lot more than Digisludge, right Kari?"- TK
"Yeah!"- Kari
"Where there's light, you'll always find darkness as well."- TK
"TK's right! And the stronger the light is, the deeper the darkness!"- Kari
"Exactly! So we have to remember that no matter how the power of darkness surrond you, the most important thing is not to lose the light inside!"- TK
"But I don't understand. What is the light inside?"- Ken
"The light inside is hope."- TK
"What?!"- Davis
"When all around you is darkness, you must keep the light on inside your heart. No matter how hard it is against you. It's the same as the crest of hope."- Azulongmon
"The light in your heart?"- Kari
"After the dark masters were defeated, those bearing the crests of light and hope, were the ones that broke my seal."- Azulongmon
"Hey TK those were our crests!"- Kari
"When the dark digivice was brought into the digital world, the harmonious ones, were only able to fight. Three digimon who had the ancient power Armor digivolving. However, the digimon belonging to the digidestened, with the crest of light and hope, also were capable of the same power. So, their digivice's took on new forms allowing them to armor digivolve as well."
"Pegasusmon and Nefertimon!"- TK
"These two crests, light and hope, are different from the others. The crest of courage, the crest of love, and the crest of knowledge come from the power of the digidestened's hearts. But the crest of light, gives light to this world. And the crest of hope continues to shine, no matter how darkness tries to height. Once all the digidestened joined their hearts together, the power was born, and the light shone even bright, giving the digimon the ability to digivolve. It is because of you, digidestened that the digital world still exists. But, even though Blackwargreymon is gone, and my power will soon be restored, beware, because the threat is not over."- Azulongmon
"Huh?!"- Everyone
"What are you saying?"- Yolei
"The evil, that tried to seal me away, has not disappeared."- Azulongmon
"Are you talking about Arukenimon and Mummymon?"- Cody
"No. They are merely forms. There is an even greater existing existence."- Azulongmon
"You mean someone else is controlling Arukenimon?"- TK
"Then thats who was controling me too!"- Ken
"Your job is not finished! You must not stop, until the digital world is safe, once and for all!"- Azulongmon
"We'll keep one eye on the digital world and one eye on our world! And we'll keep the other eye on each other!"- Davis
"Hmm you must be Davis! Well, despite him, I wish you all good luck in your quest!"- Azulongmon
"Bye!" Kari
"Goodbye!"- Everyone
"Pull yourself together it was just a dream!"- Kari *thinking*
"There's Kari I wonder what she got on question 3?"- TK
"Huh? Stay away!"- Kari
"Huh?"- TK
"Oh TK. Sorry."- Kari
"Whats more boring paint drying or Maths? I wonder why Kari's being so different today?"- TK *thinking*
"What is wrong with me? Am I just over tired from not sleeping? I can't get these dreams from my head!"- Kari *thinking*
"*gasps* Whats happening? I know my Maths course has been a little foggy lately, but this is ridiculous! *gasps* This is bizarre! *gasps and looks down* Hey did someone flood the boys bathroom again?! Wait.....where am I? TK?! Gatomon?! Yolei?! Tai!!!!!" *thinking*
*Kari starts flickering*"Huh?!"- TK
"Somebody help me!"- Kari *thinking*
"Kari!!"- TK
"Huh?"- Everyone
"Last one there's a rotten digi-egg!"- TK
"Thanks for coming after me TK! I really appreciate it!"- Kari
"It's okay Kari! I know you'd do the same for me!"- TK
"Where did you get that thing Davis?"- TK
"I found it in the sand, why?"- Davis
"I don't know why but it looks like one of the crests we used to have in the old days!"- TK
"Your right TK! And it has the crest of kindness on it!"- Kari
"Huh? There are three of them? But who's that with them?!"*runs off*- TK
"It's not that simple! He could be using digimon hostages as a shield to protect himself!"- TK
"TK's right! We have to try and rescue the hostages and make sure no one gets hurt!"- Kari
"Don't be stubborn! There are far too many of them! We have to get out of here while we can!"- TK
"I agree! We have to hurry!"- Kari
Other Evidence:
Season 01:
One of TK's tears fall down on Kari's cheek, waking her up. (Episode 49# The Crest of Light)
Sora said TK was the only one who could protect Kari. TK promised he would. (Episode 52# Piedmon's Last Jest)
Both Kari and TK have Angel Digimon.
Both their digimon start with Magna.
Season 02
TK's Pegasusmon and Kari's Nefertimon have a linking attack- The Golden Noose.
You never see Kari siding with Davis do you?
TK and Kari found their digieggs together!
Kari roots for TK in his basketball game against Davis. When Davis talked about it with Veemon, Kari said, "I love you, TK!"
When Kari gets left behind in Digiworld, TK was the first to say he's going back for her, and, when Davis yells at him for not looking out for her he agrees with Davis, saying he should have been protecting her.
In Episode 30 "Ultimate Anti-Hero" when Kari and TK go off to get some drinks they leave Davis in the tree and he looked quite upset. Also there was a bit of a blush on TK and Kari when they didn't want Davis to go with them.
In the Japanese version of "His Master's Voice" TK and Kari actually kissed!
When Kari, Yolei, Ken, and Davis were being attacked by Arukenimon and Mummymon, Kari saw TK and Cody on the cliff anf called out to TK for help, even though Cody was also there. (Episode: Destiny in Doubt).
In the Episode's "The Insect Master's Trap" and "Arukenimon's Tangled Web" Kari and TK stuck close to each other.
Kari and TK are the only one's who smile when they say Digi-armor Energize.
Kari and TK have almost the same personality.
Kari and TK are the only one's who have Digi-eggs from Season 01.
TK was really concerned about Kari in the episode: Opposites Attract.
Digimon: The Movie:
Kari and TK went to New York together. If Kari liked TK more than Davis, she would've gone with him.
The Future:
Kari and TK's kids hair is the kind of same shape.
In the English future version, Kari doesn't marry TK, but I heard they marry each other in the japanese version. Japanese versions are great.
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