
An infected Companion AutoReiv with a bubbly personality, she was owned by Raul Creed and Samantha Ross, Pino served as a surrogate child to the couple (in fact, in episode 19, everyone in the smile land gets so shocked that she is able to smile so "naturally", which is reasonable since she is "infected" with a soul. With the humanity within her, she then proceeds, under the request of all the friends she made in Smile Land, to save Smile Land from impending destruction upon Vincent's arrival). She was scheduled for decommissioning after the Creeds were granted a real baby son by the government, but the untimely deaths of Samantha and her new son prompted Pino to flee Romdo. Although she seems to be the AutoReiv that closely resembles a human child full of curiosity, it is ironic that she starts off without a clue about human death, nor understand that the emotion she feels right then is called loneliness (She knows that Timothy has died, but wonders if there is another Timothy to play with her). She becomes very attached to Vincent and accompanies him on his journey; she calls him "Vince" and occasionally throws her "tantrums" at him. Unlike most AutoReivs who live to serve their masters, Pino seems to be unable to do the simplest thing, for comical effects (such as when Vincent asks her to collect firewood in episode 13, she initially comes back with disgusting-looking mushrooms; she also makes a disgusting-looking concoction of canned food in episode 14 and serves it to Re-l and Vincent) She also initially thinks that Re-l is a "scary lady"; after getting used to her presence, Pino starts calling her "Re-l Re-l". She also has the knack of imitating people for what they do, and imitates them well (such as Timothy's drawings; Re-l and Vincent's expressions; and much to Re-l's displeasure, the exact way and manner by which Re-l complains and reprimands Vincent). Pino's most common antics involve her dressing in a pink rabbit costume and playing a large toy melodica.
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