

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Re-watching K-On!

Re-watching K-On!

Still my internet connection is cut off; I cannot watch other anime or even read manga at my house right now (I haven’t paid my internet bill T_T), so me and my brother have watched again some of my anime DVD that I’ve already bought and watched before (we where doing it for almost a week for him though, but I’ve been re-watching my collections for almost two months) I don’t how much I have watched again those anime three to four times a week, or maybe much more?

Even though I have watched K-On!, so many times and I still find it interesting it was a wonderful anime, even my older brother was fond of it, he really likes the songs in K-On!, also the jokes were so damn funny. Well my favorite character was Yui, she an air head though, but because of her I have learned the fierceness of airhead (they make striking comments without thinking).
It was also interesting what is going on Mugi’s mind, well she seems fascinated with girls getting together (maybe she has interest in Yuri ^o^), well that one of a hell mystery of the series, also why Sawa-chan sensei was always get heart broken and where did she get funds for the costume she made for the band.

The Hirasawa sister also interest me, even though Yui was a year older to Ui, both of them was really look a like each other, as if they were twins (Ui was able to fool the members of After Noon Tea Time when she pretend to be Yui, when her sister was sick).

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