

Friday, April 29, 2011

Jack Rakan

 Jack Rakan

 Jack Rakan (Jacobus Racan on his pactio card as the "k" in his family name is replaced with a "c" as is standard on all pactio cards), also known as "Rakan of the Thousand Blades", is the large, dark-skinned member of Nagi's group, the dark skin being dues to the fact that he is a member of the Hellas Race. He has been referred to several times as the 'Ultimate Broken Character', a reference to RPG characters whose stats and abilities are so powerful that they are almost unbeatable.



  • Hand To Hand Combat: Jack Rakan is a extremely powerful and high level warrior of close quaters combat. So much he is unrivaled in a close range fight and trying to fight him at hand to hand combat is considered sucide.
  • Super Strength: One of the reasons he is so dangerous especially in hand to hand combat is because of his overwhelming super strength that very few can handle.
  • Ki and Magic Abilities: He has a massive amount of both Ki and Magical Power. The natural raw power of either are both very destructive. So much so that he can cause massive destruction and break through other dimmensions through will power by simply using will power to release his magical and Ki power. It was noted by Kaede that his body is surronded by a wall of Ki.
  • Pactio: Armiger Milliplex- His artifact is called Ho Heroes Meta Chilion Prosopon (The Hero Of a Thousand Faces). His artifact can transform into any type of weapon at his will. In his words his artifact can transform into "any shape imaginable", from multiple weapons of any kind to armors.


  • Hellfire Conflagration
  • San Kan Ken (Warship Breaker)- Rakan uses his artifact and crashes a massive sword down on his enemies with great force.
  • Hidden Blade Surfing Rakan- Similar to Warship breaker, except rakan rides the blade that he sends flying at the target with great speed and attacks them upon the moment of impact.
  • Tyrannic Blazing Roaring Dragon Exploding Flash Demon God Air Cleaving Rakan Fist
  • Negi Fist
  • Eternal Negi Fever- Rakan emits a powerful and destructive laser like attack released from his body.
  • Kiai Boukou(Willpower Defence)
  • Rakan Hurricane Palm
  • Rakan Impact- Rakan charges magical power and ki in a spiral like motion into his fist and releases it, firing off a highly powerful and destructive cannon like blast.
  • Zanmaken ni no tachi: In Celebration of My First Kiss with Ojou-sama Strike
  • Rakan Hariken Shou
  • Rakan for the Hell of it Right Hand Punch- A powerful and explosive punch, so much so that the entire area shakes when rakan uses this punch.
  • BakuFuuKen (Rakan Gentle Breeze Tempest Fist): Rakan creates tempest whirlwinds at speeds of a hundred kilometers per hour around the target while the target feels nothing by a gentle breeze.
  • Rakan Banretsuken (Rakan Ten Thousand Fists)
  • Rasenshou (Spiral Palm)
  • Rakan Daiboutou (Rakan Mega Wild Throw)
  • Point Blank Full Throttle Rakan Impact: Rakan impacted used at full power at point blank range.
  • Imperial Type 97 Battering Ram Form Magical Armour

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