

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chrono’s Number


                Everyone who watches or read the manga of Black Cat really knows about this group of people work for Chrono’s a powerful underground association of Assassins and each Numbers where given a weapon made of a special alloy or metal called oricalcum which said to be the hardest metal,.
The Chrono’s Number was trained assassins as far as I know them only up to thirteen (XIII) numbers are there (excluding 0/zero) who gives mission to the numbers. The group was pretty strict and does not allow any means of failure on assassination, and defying of orders has a grieve consequences on the numbers part.
                And if the number tried to leave or became a traitor for the association, they were hunted down and to be killed (especially the traitors of the organization).  Over all Chrono’s was one of the major holder of power in the anime and manga of Black Cat.

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